Nominations in South Australia for the subclass 188 Business Innovation, Investor & Significant Investor streams will open on Tuesday 20th July 2021
The following email was received from the SA government today: For the new 2021-22 program year, South Australia has removed two steps from the application process used in the previous 2020-21 program year. These are the removal of the exploratory visit to South Australia and also the removal of the requirement to submit an ‘Intention To Apply’ (ITA) form for the 2021-22 program year. Accordingly, we will be assessing state nomination applications for…

Canberra introduces Small Business Owner pathway
After Queensland and Tasmania, Canberra now offers nominations for business owners under the Skilled Migration Program for scl 491 and 190 visa. source: http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/workspace/uploads/documents/act-nomination-guidelines-july-2021.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3hU65M2mqOyJN9fVPCbmn9vQEb5iVO4SHj0fCy-pFfE4Qtf5OEUBTFQnQ

Western Australia introduces new requirements and expanded occupation list for General stream for 2021 2022 Skilled Migration Program
New WA Skilled Migration Occupation Lists, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2A. Lots of new occupations now added to WASMOL (including schedule 1 and schedule 2) with separate work experience requirements for schedule 1 and schedule 2. source: https://migration.wa.gov.au/services/skilled-migration-western-australia/latest-news?fbclid=IwAR0BZaF0rfLhFigeRPqKfdvfbm9i34gC-HNVXIiTKSZpaSxeEw2xiRgnLCI

2021-2022 total allocation: 2000 nomination places Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa - 1400 places Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa - 600 places source: http://www.canberrayourfuture.com.au/portal/migrating/article/2021-2022-allocation-of-act-nomination-places/

Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program for 2021-22 reopens
Victoria’s Skilled Migration Program for 2021-22 will open to new Registrations of Interest (ROIs) on 7 July 2021. The Department of Home Affairs has provided Victoria with 3,500 subclass 190 places, and 500 subclass 491 places. source: https://liveinmelbourne.vic.gov.au/.../victorias-skilled...

Gute Neuigkeiten für Einwanderer – die wichtigsten Berufe bleiben auf SOL
Wie jedes Jahr wurden die Änderungen auf den Berufslisten SOL (Skilled Occupation List) und CSOL (Consolidated Skilled Occupation List) mit großer Spannung erwartet. Insgesamt wurden 2 neue Berufe zur SOL hinzugefügt und 9 Berufe von SOL genommen. Die Änderungen treten ab 1 Juli 2016 in Kraft. Für die begehrtesten Einwanderungsberufe gab es ein Aufatmen, da diese unverändert zur Verfügung stehen. Insbesondere: handwerkliche Berufe – “Motor Mechanic, Fitter, Plumber,…